Sunday, September 14, 2008

How to Use Google Maps to get a Page 1 listing

Here's a little help to get you a page 1 listing for your specialty and its geography - eg "Melbourne Psychiatrist", "Sydney Obstetrician" or "General Practitioner Perth".

Google ranks businesses in their Google Maps product quite highly (page 1 normally somewhere between listings 1-5) and the first 10 listings in Google Maps will appear directly on the page along with the name, website and phone number.

So now the problem becomes getting yourself listed in the top 10 on Google Maps and your business will appear on page 1 amongst the other Google Maps listings.

How do you do that?

Google Maps relies on for its business listing data so you need to check your site is listed there. If it is already check that all the details are accurate. Make sure you enter all your pertinent information and include the type of medical practitioner you are.

It may take some time for your listing to appear on Google Maps (possibly a few weeks).

If you've done all these things and you aren't in the top 10 of Google Maps listings I have one final trick. This one you'll have to work out for yourself but it isn't too hard if you look at the results for the first two examples I give above on Google Maps and see what is different about their entries.

Happy Googling.

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