You might remember the article on tools including those for user feedback. I implemented 4Q over the new year to find out what people were really trying to do on the website and whether it was meeting their needs.
- 73% satisfaction with the site.
- 93% achieved what they wanted.
- 82% were trying to find a doctor.
This was however off a very low base of respondents: 11 out of 300 people who were asked whether they want to complete the survey. In other words less than 5% bother to respond to an onsite survey even one that only takes 2 minutes. This is not a complete surprise - I rarely complete online surveys myself.
Here are some of the verbatim comments from respondents:
There was a lot of information available and easy to follow.
it is clear. Profiles of each of the doctors was good. explanations were useful such as why only Francis Perry hospital is used.
easy to use and informative without being over the top
Was looking for an ob in western melbourne.Based on these responses so far it would seem the site is meeting user needs - it is always good to get feedback and even better when it is confirming you have got it right. I'll keep asking for feedback for the next month to get a broader response rate. This is the kind of information you cannot obtain from any web analytics packages.
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